What, like I was meant to NOT buy this tea?
(It’s delicious, FYI. Like hot cross buns in liquid form. But without weird soggy bread chunks.)

I’m back from my mini holiday in the land of bad internet (aka my parents’ place), so if you’ve been waiting for a reply from me, this time I have an excuse for why it’s taken so long!
We met lots of fun wildlife, including this little guy…

(If you read my newsletter, you’ve heard all about the frogs in toilets of my youth. If not, there’s no time like the present. Wink wink.)
We were also there during the full moon for the first time in years. Disappointingly we saw no werewolves, although we did hear a rustle in a nearby bush that sounded like a rather large animal, at which point we stopped photographing the moon and hustled inside quick smart.
Pretty sure it was a sheep, but you know. Pays to be cautious.
Here are the pictures Alexi took…

The moonlight is so incredibly bright. I’d forgotten.
(I’d show you my pictures, but it turns out my lens was covered in sunscreen. #sunsafeforlife Plus Photographer Clarey may have consumed a glass of wine or two that night, so you know. There were some very interesting angles in the portfolio.)
In writing news…
Over the next two weeks until Tall Drink of Slaughter (Keely South’s Boozy Mysteries #1) is out, I’m going to be sharing the first few chapters here on Ye Olde Blogge.
It’s already written and edited, which might be a miracle. I mean, I finished a book more than a month before deadline. I don’t think that’s… ever? … happened before. All it needs is a proofread and it’s ready to go. Like I said. Miracle!
I hope you’re as excited as me (ie: incredibly) for this new adventure. This series is like Charlie’s big sister, with all the lessons I learned from writing those twelve books poured into the new story. The characters, the world – oof, I just love it so much.
What you can look forward to (please feel free to drool if needed):
- Arsehole-with-a-soft-side hot boss
- Beach town! Think palm trees, rainforest, bar on the sand…
- Solving crimes via making a podcast
- A cute (if massive… and slobbery) doggo
- Forensic pathologist bestie
- Cocktails, of course!
- A shade more steam than the Charlie Davies series
- Keely’s swirling vortex of chaos
- A giant, throbbing – uh – modern art installation
- A twisty mystery
- Laugh-out-loud moments by the keg-full
If you haven’t preordered yet, you can do it now so you get the book the second it’s available.
If you need more convincing, check back on this blog soon for Chapter One.