Please enjoy the above photo of people at Maroubra Beach being very good at reading and following the sign.
So, I had a minor disaster and then took a couple of days off from posting here while I recovered.
What disaster, you ask?
I decided to make hummus from scratch.
Now, I know this is not some great feat. It doesn’t contain that many ingredients. It mostly involves cooking by blender. BUT I soaked and cooked my own chickpeas, so that feels like an extra thirty or so layers of effort.
I used up the last of a bunch of ingredients making it. I planned out all the snacks and meals I was going to eat it with over the next few days. I made a huge amount.
Then, just as I was about to pour it into a container…
I dropped it in the sink, right into a big old bowl full of ageing sink water.
(Yeah, I should probably put things in the dishwasher rather than leaving them to fester, but let’s be real. No one reading this is surprised by my crockery-cleaning methods.)
Did I immediately have a breakdown and start crying uncontrollably over the loss of snacks?
Yes. Yes I did.
Utterly devastating.
Anyway, that story’s too painful to dwell on. In writing news…

Shortly before the hummus disaster (RIP chickpea deliciousness), I had an epiphany about Folking Around.
I won’t go into details, but basically I needed to scrap everything I’d written so far and start over. Classic Clarey.
This means I’m pushing the release date back a few weeks and it’ll now be out on December 22. I know that’s kind of a weird time of year for a book release, but if you have some time off around then you’ll have something fun to read. Would you like a sneak peek here? I feel like it might be my favourite ever novel opening. 😁
(I know it takes a little bit of effort, but if you are reading this I’d love it if you left a comment down below. Sneak peeks – yay or nay?)
I’m having such a good time writing it while basically ignoring real life. The outside world is too stressful at the moment.
In one happy piece of news, you might have heard me mention Raise The Age before, a campaign in Australia to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to at least 14. (The current laws disproportionately impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids, who make up 65% percent of the younger kids in prison.)
I just got an email from the Raise The Age team that the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) has committed to raise the age! Still a lot of the country that needs to catch up, but this is a great start. (If you live in Australia and haven’t signed yet, here’s the link.)