Clare holds Dungeons and Dinosaurs mug in front of computer. On the desk in the background is another cup of tea.

Frolicking in the pig-sty (a Charlie Davies writing update)

I’ve always got two drinks on the go. Is that just me? One water and one whatever else (usually tea when I’m writing).

Also, please enjoy the Dungeons and Dinos mug.

The good news: the first draft of Trouble in Store (the new Charlie Davies Mystery) is DONE!!

AND it’s officially the second-longest book in the series!

The bad news: I’m currently sloshing about in the pig-sty of edits.

AND it’s officially the second-longest book in the series! Booooooo.

Some days I like editing. Today, I mostly like avoiding it. 😂

I don’t know why it’s hard to focus at the moment, except maybe that I haven’t been reading enough. It’s wild how my brain turn into sloppy cement when it hasn’t taken in enough books. I think that’s science.

I’m at Chapter 19 of 30, so the end stretch is almost in sight… and actually, when my brain isn’t in liquid mode, I *kinda* love this book.

My favourite chapter is Chapter 13, which also happens to be the looooongest chapter in the whole book. (I think. I guess we’ll see when I finish these edits.) Here’s a little taste…

Seven faces peered down at me in concern. Four human, three snouted. Guess the commotion had woken the piggies. 

“I didn’t know my overhand bowl was so powerful,” Lea told me, tugging on one of her chainsaw earrings in distress. “I’m so sorry, babe. Should we call an ambulance?”

“No need.” I pushed up until I was seated on my pink-satined bum. “I’m fine.”

Whatever my audience might think, it wasn’t the gnome that had knocked me out. I’d passed out from pure stress. 

That’s a very tease-y teaser (so short!), but I don’t want to give you too much and spoil the surprise. [Insert evil laugh here.]

Now for the big question: what is the release date?

I don’t have a fixed date *yet*, but it won’t be too long now! I’ll post more info here on the blog soon. If you don’t want miss the new book, make sure you’re on my newsletter.

I’ll be posting more updates here as I procrastinate – uh, I mean edit – so check back soon!

Anyway, I’m going to get back to my two beverages.


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