So today my mother sent me this message with zero context. Out of nowhere.
My mother.
Yeah, it’s no wonder I turned out the way I did.
I figured since that made pretty much no sense, there was meant to be a picture with it. (Not of my mum’s penis. At least not the kind you’re thinking of.)
The extra weird thing is that the second I read this, I knew what it was about.ย And if you’ve read my last two blog posts, there’s a fair chance you know what it’s about too. ๐
I feel like it’s important to say that Mum doesn’t read this blog or my newsletter and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t read Get Folked (my newest book)…
And yet this is the picture that came through later:

Yeah. She hasn’t read my book featuring a penis cactus (or any of the posts I’ve made here about prickly pricks). She just happened to send this guy to me by chance.
Thus completing this amazing trilogy of blog posts and plant pics.
And providing me an excellent opportunity to remind you that my new romantic comedy, Get Folked, is out now. ๐
It’s the most fun I’ve ever had writing a book and I am SO excited to write this series. Folk-rock musicians. Comedy. Bromance. So many things I love. I’m working on book two now, which is about guitarist Dean Anderson and a bodyguard named Penny Baxter. If you haven’t read book one already, you totally should. It’s funny and sweet and sexy and man, now I’m making myself want to read it again…
If you have read it, would you pretty please consider leaving a review on the retailer where you ordered your copy?ย I know it’s a bit of a hassle, but it seriously helps me out a heap.
Having more reviews means, basically, people are more likely to take a chance on the book because they know other people liked it. Then I don’t need to spend so much time marketing and I can spend more time writing. So really, if you like my books, leaving reviews helps you out too. It’s the selfish thing to do.ย ๐
Speaking of Get Folked, if you’re one of the sexy folks who receive my newsletter, you may know I’m sending out a bonus epilogue for Danny and Cole. Actually what I said was that it would be out ‘later this week’… Last month.
Then I got sick. Then I busted my shoulder. Turns out shoulders are really important when you’re typing. Who knew? (Unfortunately there’s no exciting story behind the shoulder injury. I did it via… drumroll… typing. Hardcore, I know.)
But the epilogue is ninety percent written and it will be out later ‘this week’. (Which probably doesn’t mean next month this time.)
Here’s another cheeky request to leave a review if you have a minute. Pretty please? Thank you!