Because seriously – so many pumpkins.

I went with an orca-themed costume and made myself up to look dead, which apparently REALLY creeped out the dude I met in the elevator as Leako and I left for the party.
(Either that or he thought I was super hot, because he stared at me for a really. Long. Time. If he thinks I look hot like this, he should see me when I don’t look like I’ve been decomposing in the ocean for a week.)
Because I know you really care, I will tell you that I didn’t win the costume competition. Who did? Leako’s mum, who coincidentally was both the host of the party and the costume judge. 😂
BUT… I won the people’s choice award. Which I definitely didn’t make up and totally wasn’t responsible for tallying the votes for. Cough.

Do you like my incredible hair and makeup? I only kinda woke up like that.
On the whole, what did you think of my eaten-by-an-orca costume? Was it worthy of the people’s choice award?