I got a phone call from my mother at 11:50 last night.
Naturally I assumed someone had died. Answered it with a cool calm I didn’t know I was capable of. (Would I have made an excellent hit woman? Alas, we’ll never know.)
(Actually, I think I can guess. The answer is no.)
But it turned out, happily, no one had died. My mother was calling because she and my father wanted to see if I remembered the words to a local radio jingle that played in my hometown circa 2008.
Regrettably, I did. That kind of thing does not leave you.
I recited it, then I sent them to bed. Don’t know if they listened. Doubt it.
My father did ask me if I was up late writing, which I wasn’t — but that’s not going to stop me using this as a segue into a writing update!
I know you’re probably curious what-exactly-tf I’ve been up to since I launched my last book in February. The answer is: overhauling my entire writing process.

I’ve realised a few things this year.
Firstly, I can’t write as fast as I used to — partly because of wrist injuries from typing too much (how rock ‘n’ roll), and partly because I want to write the best books I can, and I do my best writing when I go slowly. It’s time to let go of the old pace and embrace the new tortoise method. Longer books. Functional hands. And, I hope, happier readers.
(That’s you, you special little thing!)
Secondly — I realised I very much do need to read books in order to write books. I ground to a halt for a few years there (did you notice?) because I somehow didn’t know this. Maybe I’ll write a post about my epic reading slump at some point, but ultimately I’ve found that I write more when I intentionally take time off to read.

I’ve got a brain like a cauldron. If I don’t toss in the bat wings, I’m not going to be able to brew any Instant Wart Growth Potion (TM).
These days, I mostly like reading urban fantasy (and the occasional rom com) — and I find it really hard to get into mysteries. Maybe I’ve written too many. Maybe I’m going through a phase. Or maybe I just… (whisper) like urban fantasy better.
Eek. That feels dramatic.
But whatever the reason, the result is the same: I want to write mainly urban fantasy for a while.

I’m not abandoning the mysteries or rom coms — I get bored easily so I’m always going to swap between genres. But for now, I’m focusing on the new and improved Nessa series (think: witch runs over the Grim Reaper), and the Isla Slaine vampire series I’ve wanted to write for the past four years (think: True Blood down under).
There is actually one last change I’m making in the upcoming year — I’m going to be blogging again. Social media is often too much for me (though I will have some news on that front soon). Something about the thought of sending out newsletters has been giving me hives. And I genuinely just like writing blog posts.
Really, isn’t enjoying something a good enough reason to do it?
(I especially love when people comment here. It feels like you’ve really gone out of your way and I appreciate it so much.)
I posted a Charlie Davies bonus story a couple of days ago, so you can read that here. See? Still taking care of my mystery readers.
I want to do more of those sorts of things, little bonuses here on my blog. I have a thousand ideas, from stories to maps to art to soundtracks to sneak peeks to games to what I’m reading.
Is there anything you’d particularly like to see? Let me know. Maybe I’ll even listen. 😉
And with that, my wrists need a break, so I’m off to do some reading.