Coffee, spookiness and a folking rom com snippet

That’s actually a black coffee in the picture above. Bet you weren’t expecting that, were you?

What an amazing plot twist. You should stick around for the rest of this blog post. It’s only going to get better.

Definitely a Halloween decoration cobweb and not a sign of my housekeeping skills.

So I guess I’m blogging daily now? I mean, I’ve made it to day two, so that’s a good sign, right?

Unfortunately, I’m breaking the chain of dick-shaped plants in these blog posts. But don’t worry, I’m sure there will be more in future. Somehow they just seem to find me.

Just because I feel like it, here’s a little snippet from Get Folked. 🌡

(Not the bit with the cactus. You’ll have to read the book for that. πŸ˜‰)

You have your copy already, right? πŸ˜‰


After brunch, we headed to a bowling alley. The others were playing to win. I was basically playing to provide a slapstick comedy interlude given how terrible my sports skills were.

β€œI need the bumpers up.”

Cole crossed his arms. β€œI’m not asking them to put the bumpers up for you. You’re not six.”

β€œFine.” I turned to the rest of the band and said in my sweetest voice, β€œDean, would you pretty please –”

β€œI’ll do it,” Cole said, cutting me off. I suppressed a smirk as he walked away, shooting me a dirty look – and I mean dirty in more than one sense of the word. Was there a storage cupboard around here I could drag Cole into so I could have my way with him immediately? No. That would be bad. People were already taking photos of us. Public sex with a celebrity seemed like a real no-no. Celia would kill me if we were caught.Β 

Didn’t stop me from wanting to do it anyway.

If you’re wondering whether Danny’s sports skills are a direct reflection of my own, yes. Yes they are. (But no, I’ve never dragged anyone into a storage cupboard. In case you were wondering.)

Seriously, my bowling skills are so bad I have to use that ramp thing they have so babies can pretend they’re playing. With the bumpers up. And I still somehow miss all the pins.

What’s your greatest sporting triumph? Is it as impressive as mine? πŸ˜‚

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